Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What Would I Do If I Were the Devil?

       What do we know about the devil? Many people, when they hear his name have instant images in their minds of maybe a monster, or a little red being with horns and a pitchfork. Maybe you might think of him as the way the modern movies portray him, a tall skinny, pale skinned man wearing a black cloak and moving among the people, but in the shadows. But let's think about this for a minute. If the devil looked like this, and he walked the earth possessing people and physically causing mayhem, wouldn't we see him for what he is and therefore run to God? Is that what the devil wants? Think about it, he doesn't want people running to God, and he doesn't need people running to him, he needs people staying away from God. That's how he wins. This is why the Bible describes him as the "deceiver" or "prince of lies" or simply, "the enemy". He is a monster, but not in the classic sense that parents use to scare their children. He wants us, sure, but he can't physically take us, God won't allow that. So he must trick us to pull us away from God. How can he do that? Let me tell you what I would do if I were the devil.
       If I were the devil, I would try to devalue marriage. I would convince men and women that the most important things in life are material things, and the only way to get those things are to work harder and longer so they are away from their families more and more. If they are away from their families, I would then encourage the men and women to start having conversations that are inappropriate, ones that might lead to relationships that only Satan would approve of. If I could drive a wedge between the families, I could drive God away from the homes. Spend more time at work, and less with your children, because remember, Christianity is a learned religion, and if you aren't spending time teaching your children about God, how else will they learn? From their friends? From school?
       If I were the devil, of course I would want the White House, but that is too obvious. I would want the courthouses as well, which is more important than the White House because then I could encourage judges to make decisions like Roe vs. Wade, but those decisions won't force people to do what is wrong. What I would really want is the schoolhouse. If I could get into the schools and convince teachers and staff to force the children to accept "alternate lifestyles" and even punish them if they don't, I could change the next generations way of thinking. I would punish those children who refused to accept homosexuality as a way of life. Have teachers as well as student bully them, and laugh at them. I would convince teachers to teach evolution as fact and creation as merely a fairytale, and put up theories that can't be proven as fact. I would do what the government of England has done, making it illegal to even teach creation.
       If I were the devil, I would tell people that it's ok to worship God however you wanted. This is a big one. The Bible is simply a loose book of rules that man can interpret however he chooses, and it's ok as long as God is the center. After all, isn't this what the Bible teaches in Ephesians 4:4-6, when it says "One Body, One Faith, One God, One Church?" Isn't this why Paul admonishes the Galatians, calling them foolish, and saying he thanks God that he did not baptize them for they would then follow his teachings instead of Christ? I would convince people to worship however they wanted, in fact have many denominations, thousands, and still believe that all are okay and going to Heaven. I would even tell people to go to church on Sunday. That's right, go to church for an hour or two, but the rest of the week, do whatever you want, as long as you don't offend anyone. Be Holy one day a week, be mine the other six. And whatever you do, don't offend another human being for their belief, even if it offends God, because God has forgiven you and you don't have to do anything else because you are saved by His grace alone. Faith and works aren't really that important. I would convince people this is what the scriptures teach, and there's no need to study ALL that it teaches.
       There is so much more, but this is where I would start if I were the devil. Luckily though, this is just imagination, just make believe, because it is much more plausible to be that monster that haunts us in the dark, or comes out when we play certain board games or even call upon him. Thankfully, this is all a joke, and the devil probably doesn't even exist, and all we have to do is live until we die.

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