In the early 1990's a set of books was written called "The Left Behind" series that was a fictional story about the events leading up to the second coming of Christ. Though many found the books to be exciting and fast-paced, they were written by the author's personal beliefs, and should be viewed as fictional. Especially when considering the twisting of scriptures involving the so-called antichrist that many believe is found in the book of Revelation. As is quite often the case, the truth is much different than the story.
In the books, and in the beliefs of many people, the antichrist is a person, who might be alive today, who comes to power as a world savior after the disappearance of countless people. The world descends into chaos, and this man convinces the people to make him a dictator to take care of them. Of course, in the process, he turns as many people against Christ as he can before Christ returns to save those left behind. The authors claim, and many people agree, that all of this will be the fulfillment of prophecy from the Bible. But the Bible reveals what the antichrist truly is, and the truth is much different.
First of all, the antichrist as described in the last paragraph, is not found or supported anywhere in scripture. The word antichrist comes from the Greek word 'Antikristos', and is found five times in the New Testament, all of them in the epistles of John, never once in Revelation. In John's explanation of the antichrist, it never describes a specific person, but anyone who fights against the belief of Christ and His teachings. 1 John 2:18 reads "Little children, it is the last hour: and as ye heard that antichrist cometh, even now have there arisen many antichrists: whereby we know it is the last hour." Later, in verse 22, the best description of what an antichrist is, can be seen. "Who is the liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, even he that denieth the Father and the son." This is the simple, and only definition that can be found.
Unfortunately, far too many people today will read fictional stories and believe anything that sounds good, or that a religious "leader" tells them without studying for themselves. There are also false claims that historical or political figures of the past were two of the antichrists, with the last one being the one mentioned earlier. It is often said that Napoleon and Adolph Hitler were the first two, setting the stage for the final one. While it may be true that Napoleon and Hitler were antichrists, they (according to the Bible) have nothing to do with any prophecy in the Bible. This is simply a false claim, something for people to talk about. And this is what makes this such a sad commentary.
For whatever reason, many people want to believe any fantastical story involving anything to do with God and/or Christ, without simply studying the Bible and the Truth of God's Word. Nowhere in scripture is there support for a powerful man being an ultimate antichrist, able to put the 'mark of the beast' on people, thus losing them from salvation forever. Christ has the ultimate power over everything and everyone on earth, including those who deny Him. These are the people who the Bible has revealed to be the real, and only antichrist.
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