Saturday, May 28, 2016

Explaining Away Miracles

       Miracle: A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency. This is how the New Oxford American Dictionary defines miracles. An act that is outside forces of nature! if it is outside natural laws, then it can only come from God. Most Christians will agree on this, as well as claim that God did commit miracles to either prove He was God, or to help His children and punish His enemies. Yet, for some reason, many Christians today try to explain away Biblical miracles by natural occurrences. They try to discredit God and His Word while saying that He just used natural means to get the job done. They don't understand that they are taking the wonder of these miracles away, thus giving Atheists ammunition to fight against Christians! Let's take a look at some of the claims.
       There are literally hundreds of websites and Youtube videos that anyone can watch and read with this subject matter, so I could only pick a couple, but feel free to investigate any on your own. The first website I found was While they are not scientific, they do report on theories drawn from science articles and comments. Right away, we can see a major problem arising. The majority of scientists do not believe in God, so therefore have to come up with a reasonable explanation for miracles. Since we learn everything in school from these "scholars", we immediately tend to believe everything that is spoon fed to us, usually without question.
       The first subject that Listverse tackled was the Tower of Babel. They try to explain this away by saying ancient writings were found mentioning King Nebuchadnezzar built a large tower that could be seen from miles away. Here's the problem with this theory: Nebuchadnezzar lived a very long time AFTER the record of the Bible. Coupled with the fact that Babylon during the time of Nebuchadnezzar was united and spoke the same language even after the king's death, how could he be the same person who built the tower? The writings that were found, do not mention how the building fell, or that the population became confounded with different languages. That would be an important piece of information that most likely would not be left out.
       The next miracle they want to explain is the parting of the Red Sea. Now I have heard a couple of different theories on this, such as the Sea was emptied by a super low tide and then came back with a massive force. This is similar to what Listverse says. They claim that a hurricane from the Mediterranean caused the sea to empty, allowing the Hebrews to cross on dry land. Of course, it came flooding back at the exact moment the Egyptians tried to cross. The problem? The Bible clearly states that Moses led the Exodus across the Red Sea with a wall of water on each side, which crashed down upon the Egyptians. There was no mention of a storm at all. This does not sound like a super low tide at all, unless of course Moses lied when he wrote this.
       What about Sodom and Gomorrah? The explanation for this at first seems plausible. A meteorite crashed down upon the plain and destroyed the cities. Granted, God could have used a meteor to do this, and a meteor could have destroyed the cities if they were close enough, but would that explain Lot's wife turning to a pillar of salt while Lot and his daughters were unharmed? Of course not! Couple that with the fact that no evidence of a meteor has ever been found on the plains, nor any existence of the cities, which is what the Bible said.
       Another claim they try to make is about the Plagues of Egypt were caused by...climate change. I have no idea how they even came up with this one, for how does that explain rivers of blood, or complete darkness on everything in the land, except for the Hebrews? That is about as absurd as their explanation of the book of Revelation which was an acid trip. Yet they want us to take them seriously.
       Another miracle they try to throw away is the great flood. The claim is the flood was caused by melting glaciers. The problem with this should be obvious. If all the glaciers in the world melted at the same time, scientists say that the oceans would be raised by twenty to thirty feet (NOAA). Not near enough to cover the tallest mountains, not to mention the Bible states that it rained! Also, how would Noah know ahead of time that the glaciers would melt to build the ark?
       There are many others as well, such as the burning bush being on top of a volcanic vent. Which wouldn't explain the bush not burning up or God's voice coming from it. Or Jesus actually walked on ice and not water (because there is so much ice found in this region). There are more from this website you can check out and decide for yourself.
       A couple of other miracles that men try to explain away is the earthquake and darkness when Christ died. Many try to claim the earthquake is perfectly normal for this region, which it is. However, there was a Greek philosopher who was in Greece at the time, and not a Christian, wrote there was indeed a great earthquake AND the world went dark for three hours. There is also the scientific attempt of explaining creation and the age of the earth. Most of us know this theory from the "scholars" of science, but remember, this is just a theory that even the most famous atheistic scientists say can never be proven. Great minds such as Stephen Hawking, and their champion Charles Darwin both claimed it can never be proven, but just trust us. Would two men who do not believe in God, try to prove God? If not, why would Godly people believe them over God?
       In Genesis, the account of the creation is clear in every translation, that the heavens and earth were created in six days. The Hebrew word used here is YOM, which every time it is used in the Old Testament, meant a 24 hour period. The Hebrew language has words for Millennia, Eons, Centuries and Years, but none of these were used here. Why would God use the wrong word? Some try to look to 2 Peter 3:8 as proof that creation was actually done over a long period, but this verse has nothing to do with creation and is taken out of context. Plus why would Jesus, when talking about creation, also said six days? Did He misunderstand the account, even when He was there? Was He trying to mislead us? What is the answer?
       Man wants to explain away God's miracles because we can't even come close to understanding the power of God, and so therefore can't grasp the miracles at work. What is troubling, is that many people who believe these falsities, are Christians. Too many want to believe educated men who don't believe in God, instead of believing God and His words. By taking away the miracles of God, we take away the power of God and His glory. As Christians, shouldn't we believe that God has the power to do whatever He wants? Friends, God is not trying to mislead us, or trick us. He has told us exactly what we need to know, and since He cannot lie, everything in the Bible, including the miracles, is complete and absolute truth. If not, how and why can we believe anything? Trust in the great creator, the only true God, and not in men who do not believe in Him. The Israelites failed to trust in God in the Old Testament, and we know how that turned out for them. This shouldn't need to be said, but BELIEVE THE TRUTH!