Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Day Age Theory Debunked

       For over a century now, many in the science community have done all they could to disprove anything dealing with God. In the distant past, more often than not, their most popular plan of attack was archeological finds, or lack thereof. However, as time has gone on and more sites are found, (Jericho, Uz, Solomon's Mines), they realized that every find always coincides with Biblical record. So a new strategy had to be made, and one that they could not only twist scriptures to help prove their point, but one that could be taught in schools to every child, thus twisting our children's minds from the start. This of course, is the theory of evolution and the age of the earth.
       Science has taught us in schools that the earth is billions of years old, and they prove this by using methods such as radiocarbon dating, which has been proven to be extremely flawed (more on this topic in a future post). However, they teach this as a proven fact, and all children must buy into this if they want to receive a passing grade. Even sadder, is that many of these children have grown up as Christians believing this theory, even when the Bible makes it clear in Genesis that God created the earth in just six days, some six or seven thousand years ago. How can they believe this? Many point to 2 Peter 3:8 which says, "But forget not this one thing, beloved, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." They claim this is proof that a day in Genesis is not a twenty-four period, but could be eons, thus allowing both science AND the Bible to be correct. The Day Age Theory was born.
       First of all, we need to examine the verse in 2 Peter. Though many people believe this to mean that when God said a day in Genesis, it could mean eons, this is not the context of this verse. What Peter is saying here is that God, who is Omni existent, does not count time the way we do. This verse in Peter is not talking about the days of creation at all, as other verses in scripture do, each time speaking of it as a twenty four hour period. But couldn't this mean that there is a translation issues in the Bible, and the translators simply wrote this or the other verses wrong? That could always be a possibility, so we must look at ALL of the evidence around this topic.
       First of all, if the author of Genesis (Moses), want to convey the message that the days were actually long periods of time, couldn't he have done so in more understandable fashion? The Hebrew word used in Genesis was Yom, which always means a twenty four period, and has never meant anything different. It is found some 14 times in Genesis alone, and appears some 1,200 times in the Old Testament, always referring to a literal day as we know it. Even more interesting is the fact that there are Hebrew words used for ages, or long periods of time, such as 'olam', but yet Moses chose to use the only recognizable word for an actual day, 'yom'. Also, if Day-Age theorists are willing to turn 'yom' in Genesis to a long period of time, why didn't they choose to change it elsewhere in the Bible? This is the only occurrence they choose to change the meaning of this word. Keep this in mind as well, could the ancient Israelites have been able to understand this term as meaning millions or billions of years? Definitely not, especially when Moses used this term here. Why would God, or Moses try to mislead us, or the ancient Israelites?
       If we study the creation story in Genesis, we can also see how the author divides the end of one day and the start of the next as night and day. In Genesis 1:5, God separated the light from the dark, and called it day and night. So if the Day-Age theory is correct, this would mean that it was dark for possibly millions of years, and then light for millions of years. But at the end of the verse, it clearly states that there was an evening and a morning in one day. This only becomes a contradiction when modern man changed the definition. Has anyone ever seen an eon of time, separated by a morning and evening?
       Another problem that Day-Age theorists must contend with, is the issue of botany, or plant life. Plant life came into existence on the third day, according to Genesis. If the days were actually eons, that would mean that plants, which must have sunlight to survive, actually survived for millions of years without the sun. Also, we know that plants are pollinated by many different types of animals, which of course were not created until days five and six, so that would mean that plants had to thrive for millions of years without any way to reproduce. Science has told us this would be impossible, yet want us to believe this?
       Another piece of evidence to consider, comes from scripture itself. God told the Israelites to work for six days and rest on the seventh, just as He had done when He created the earth (Exodus 20:8-11). If He had taken millions or billions of years to create everything, did He mean Israel could not rest for that length of time? Of course the Israelites understood this to mean a literal 24 hour period, as we do today. Jesus also spoke of the creation in Matthew, and He never used the term day as meaning anything other than a 24 hour period. Maybe He didn't know? Even when He was there (John 1:1)? Or was He also trying to mislead us? If so, for what purpose?
       One last thing to ponder. How old was Adam if a day was actually eons of time? Adam was created on the sixth day, and god rested on the seventh. Adam, we can read, lived for a long time after the seventh day. If a day, was say, just a million years (which theorists say is far too short), Adam would have to have been, at the least, millions of years old. So far, I have found nothing of anyone explaining this problem away either. There is simply no explanation they can find for it, without shredding the Word of God even further.
       Too many people take what either scientists or theistic-evolutionists teach without question, and without considering that God, may have actually done EXACTLY what He said He did. We are told to blindly believe theories that science has come up with, and then twist the scriptures to fit these unproven (and never can be proven) theories. God is more than capable of creating, and destroying, anything He puts His mind to. He does not need billions of years to create the earth, and we know this if for no other reason than God said so, and can not lie. If you are a Christian, then believe not only in God, but what He has told us, for why would He mislead when He can't? Creation from God, or Day-Age Theory from man. You must decide for yourself, because we all must answer to God for our decisions.

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